Success makes you happy

You can’t be successful without anger – not impotent anger, but honest anger. Bulgarian master Ivo Dimchev therefore seeks risk, not morality. He seeks his audience and not public opinion.

Khansa by Michele Imad

After the blast

In Beirut on the eastern Mediterranean, nothing confronts you with reality as much as the dance, the Arab body, the unadorned, which after years of horror has shed its ornamental dress and speaks directly to you.


Country without a state

Where there are no structures to make art possible, art throws itself a party. It does not need any structures; it creates its own in Beirut, in a deeply shaken city where everything has gone back to square one and anything seems possible again.


Hannibal’s dream

The Lawine Torren company is an alpine plant, so addicted to the mountains that it cannot be confined to a theater. Hubert Lepka’s choreographies roar and make a racket, reflecting the group’s enthusiasm for engines and motors. Every two years, they forge a new Alpine crossing, pushing man and machine to the limit

Auf dem Rettenbachgletscher - Sölden

On the Rettenbach Glacier

It’s spring in the Alps. Temperatures are rising, the sun is shining down mercilessly after the snowstorm. Three hundred people on skis, in airplanes, in snow groomers, on motocross bikes, and dancers on foot, are all waiting to cross the Alps like Hannibal once did. There is a sense of danger in the air. A state of emergency?


The Desire to Make a Solid History Will End Up in Failure.

In Belgrade, a dance piece of this title takes failure as an opportunity – in a country between the fronts, surrounded by the EU, embraced by Russia.

Belgrad -

Dancing is fighting

Who knows the Serbian dance scene? Nobody. Even the Belgrade Dance Festival only shows guests from abroad. The other side of the coin, Serbia’s independent scene, is full of surprises.


Traveling in Russia

This is a breathtaking journey to the land of the Nutcracker and the land of voluntary self-censorship – a story of corrupt mice kings and cowardice, desperate dance idealism and a dubious understanding of tradition.

Ein Geschrei im Gebirge -

A clamor in the mountains

Who stays? Who has to go? Not only oppositional forces like Alexei Navalny have to leave forever. The great change of directors in Russia’s ballet also includes the most famous sacking of all – that of Vladimir Urin from the Bolshoi in Moscow.

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker

In the forest

Every day, people stand in long queues at the gates of the Louvre in Paris to see ancient art. But sometimes, at night, you can even dance in front of these masterpieces. Choreographer Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker has fulfilled this dream.
